Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Game brief

The Darkest of days

The survey to my brief is here if you would like to answer- https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5BJHR3J
  • Storyline
The main storyline behind this game is that there has been an apocalypse of sorts where it has created zombie type characters, as well as several blood thirsty animals such as dogs, foxes and wolves. You will be able to create your own character and design him how you want and as you go through the game you will be set small tasks that show you what you are supposed to do and how you should do it, like skyrim in a way when you learn how to make a weapon and armor for the first time you have a task from the blacksmith you meet. But unlike skyrim the game will be entirely up to you and without a script but with very minor missions that you can complete in order to get extra items but if you do not it will not effect the game at all. Your first real objective when you start the game is to get resources so that you can build yourself some clothes in order to survive because the weather is always changing and can give you huge effects that will effect your stats such as stamina, hunger and health. You will play with the character you made and try to stop the apocolypse from happening(doesnt work) which then turns pretty much everyone into these zombie type characters and you are just trying to survive whilst helping people you meet throughout the world that will give you side missions to complete. But overall the main storyline is to survive on this planet that has been infected with a disease that is ripping the planet apart and due to all of the power going out and buildings collapsing there are very few safe places which means you would have to build a base overtime and try make it secure because at night time hords of zombies will come out all over the map, you would also have to level up your character which would give you points to unlock new items that you can make with certain resources that you get around the map as well as giving you a single point to increase one of your stats that help you survive within the game.
  • Gameplay
As you rank up and unlock new items that you can make you will have to get certain items will be required in order to make these items. For example to build the different stages of armour you will need to get these items that are harder to get and find, the first piece of armour you can get only needs simple materials such as fiber and thatch to build which is very easy to find.
  • Game description
The game will be in a third person perspective but with the capability of being changed to first person if you would prefer a different angle within the game as it may favour some scenarios that pop up in the game. It will also be an open world game that has the capability of playing online on a server full of players with the max being 100 players in one server, if you didn't want to play online however there is still a solo mode where you can choose the map you want to play on and then play by yourself.
  • Goals within the game
As you level up you will be able to unlock new items that are exclusive until you reach that level, this is a goal that will be accomplished no matter what you do because you can get XP from several different objectives. But the main objective throughout the entire game is to just purely survive and build a base where you feel safe, the game doesn't have a set end as there are tons of things to do and countless bosses you can beat in caves, and lost mountains throughout the map. Another small objective which could be classed as a main objective is to find other survivors that are friendly and team up with them and try build a tribe and base with them.
  • Controls
Since the game can be played on both consoles and PC's there are a lot of controls that need to be implemented within the game. obviously on pc to move around you would use the normal movement which is w,a,s,d(forwards,backwards,left,right) and in each direction the letters correspond, you would also look around with the mouse and click with the mouse to hit things. To pick things up off of the floor it is E, to interact with various people or functions it would be f, to access inventory would be the tab button, to sprint you would hold down the shift button and to crouch and become quieter when sneaking it would be ctrl and z is to go prone, when playing on a multiplayer server and to enter the chat it would be t. When playing on console there arent as much variation in the button system, but still can be quite complicated. First to move around would be using the left analog stick in the direction you want to move and whilst doing so if you want to look around you would move the right analog stick in the direction you want to look or turn. To pick things up around the map you would use the L2 or LB button depending on which console you are playing, to interact with people and things around the map you would hold the triangle button or Y. to sprint in the game you would press down the left analog stick and press it again to stop. to access the inventory you would press the triangle button or Y instead of holding. to crouch on the game just simply press the circle button or B, or to go prone you would hold it down, also to jump within the game would be using the x or A button. to enter online chat if you are playing the online aspect of the game it would be the touchpad and L1 or the options button and LT. To shoot with you weapon it would be R1 or RT and to aim it it would be L1 or LT.
  • Dlc and in game currency
Throughout the life cycle of the game(presumed to be 2-3years) there will be an extensive amount of dlc throughout the time, new additions would consist of new types of zombies, new objectives, festive updates and new animals within the game. But there will also be new maps every four to five months depending on the amount of updates required throughout each 5 month span, the new maps will contain new islands that you can explore, new bosses and new waves of zombies and animals. Also in games currency will be a form of coins that you can spend on armour upgrades, weapon upgrades and new items that are exclusive and you can only get them using these coins that you can find in raids, and caves throughout the map.

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